April 2, 2021
Series:The Suffering God
John 19:14-18 & 31-38 All music is produced under the following CCLI licenses: Streaming License: 1798914 Size D CCLI – West View Methodist Church Copyright license: 423296 size D SongSelect Premium Music reproduction license: 473772 size D Church video license: 80912 size D
March 31, 2021
Series:The Suffering God
This Holy Wednesday, guest preacher, Rev Wendy Walker shares with us her insights into the role the Soldiers played in the suffering of Jesus on His journey to the cross. Join us tomorrow as we continue to journey through the week… All music is produced under the following CCLI licenses: Streaming License: 1798914 Size D...
March 30, 2021
Series:The Suffering God
This Holy Tuesday, guest preacher, Rev Ralph Afghan shares with us his insights into the role Pilate played in the suffering of Jesus on His journey to the cross. Join us tomorrow as we continue to journey through the week… All music is produced under the following CCLI licenses: Streaming License: 1798914 Size D CCLI...
March 29, 2021
Series:The Suffering God
This Holy Monday, guest preacher, Alex Thomas shares with us her insights into the role the Sanhedrin played in the suffering of Jesus on His journey to the cross. Join us tomorrow as we continue to journey through the week… All music is produced under the following CCLI licenses: Streaming License: 1798914 Size D CCLI...
Our Messages
ByRev Siphiwe Madi
Sermon Series
5 Sermon(s)
7 Sermon(s)
6 Sermon(s)
6 Sermon(s)