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Where life change happens


We're glad to connect with you

God has raised up West View to be a place where life change happens. People are changed by the power of God’s grace, and as changed people begin to live out their faith in Jesus, they become change agents in God’s world.

We trust that you will find what you are looking for on our website, and that, should you be looking for a Christian community to call “home”, you will join us in worship sometime soon.

What to Expect

When you attend any of our services

As you enter the Sanctuary, our door stewards and ushers will give you a printed bulletin and help you find a seat. You can expect that the time we will share together has been planned to be creative and meaningful. Our worship environment is engaging and our worship team is sincere.

Communion is served every Sunday at the 8am service, at the 10am service communion is served on the second Sunday of the month and at the monthly 6pm service. On Communion Sundays, we will offer you a chance to take Communion, even if you’re not a regular West View attendee. At West View, people are free to participate as they feel comfortable. Dive right in or simply observe.

When you attend any of West View’s Sunday services you can expect:
We will worship God in various ways including song.
We will remember Jesus’ sacrifice by taking Communion together.
We will open the Bible together to see what God has to say about our lives and our relationship with Him.
We will have the opportunity to be generous in our giving of tithes and offerings.
We will celebrate baptisms together.

Our Beliefs

Personal faith, lived out in concrete ways in the world

Methodists hold to an orthodox Christian faith. We confess the Headship of our Lord Jesus Christ, and acknowledge the Divine revelation recorded in Holy Scripture, as the supreme ruler of our faith and practice. We pray for a renewed heart in every person and seek to build a living fellowship of all disciples of Jesus, under the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

We teach the possibility, here and now, of Christians being made ‘perfect in love’, through the obedience of faith. We share the vision of the Methodist Church of South Africa – that of a Christ healed Africa for the healing of nations.”

Methodists lie within the Protestant stream of Christianity. We are evangelical, but moderates rather than fundamentalists. We value the intellect and modern science, while at the same time looking to the Bible as the authoritative guide for faith and practice. Methodists have a passionate faith with strong convictions, but we also recognise that the world is not always black and white. We are willing to ask questions, to wrestle with difficult issues, and to do so with grace and compassion.

Methodists have been known for our emphasis on a personal faith, lived out in concrete ways in the world. We have historically valued well-informed and passionate preaching, worship that is lively, and small groups where people can grow in faith. Methodists have open hearts, and open minds and welcome anyone interested in learning more about the Christian faith. If you would like to know more about what it means to follow Christ, contact us on the contact us page.

Child Care During Services

Children's programme age 1 to Grade 7

During the school term there is a children’s programme at all 3 of our services for children aged 1 to Grade 7.

8am and 6pm: Godly Play is a beautiful child-centred curriculum we teach at our weekly 8am and monthly 6pm services. Children join their parents in the sanctuary at the starts of the service and are then invited to join pastor Josh for Godly Play just before the sermon starts. The children rejoin their parents after the sermon.

10am: Children’s Church runs at the West View College campus during the 10am service. As this is a fuller service, the children are dropped off by their parents at the West View College gate which is accessible from the church grounds. Children are grouped according to their grades and are taught at an age-appropriate level. The children love playing on the school jungle-gyms before their lessons and while they wait for their parents to collect them after the service.

Our Vision and Purpose

West View is Christ's church

Our Vision: West View is Christ’s church, bringing all people into a transforming relationship with God.

This sentence summarises who God is calling us to be: West View is Christ’s church. West View does not belong to its Ministers, its leaders, or to any other structure formed by human beings. Jesus Christ is our Head, we are His Body, and we strive to follow Jesus, and to embody Jesus in the world. Bringing all people (nobody is excluded from the reach of God’s grace) into a transforming relationship with God.

To follow Jesus, is to be in a relationship with God that transforms us, both into Christlikeness, and into the people that God first created us to be (our authentic selves). West View exists to be God’s change-agent, through which people lost in sin find grace, people who are broken find wholeness, and people who are alone find community, and people searching for meaning discover purposeful living.

Our Purpose: Changed People, Changing Our World.

As we live out our relationship with God, it’s not just individuals who are transformed. Our community, city and nation is changed by the power of the gospel, and God’s kingdom comes on earth ‘as it is in heaven’.