Bringing all people into a transforming relationship with God
Alpha Course
Is there more to life than this?
Have you ever had questions about life and faith that you have struggled with?
Alpha is an opportunity to come together in small groups and explore deeper questions about life and faith.
Sessions include a meal, a short talk and a group discussion where you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and find answers. We would like to encourage all those who have participated in Alpha before, to invite somebody new to come and join the next Alpha course starting in January.
To find out more about Alpha please download the brochure.
Siphiwe madi
Disciple Bible Course
A year-long course with weekly meetings
The Disciple Bible course is for anyone who wants to deepen their faith and enrich their journey with Christ.
Disciple has 6 Bible courses. Each year-long course runs seperately and has weekly meetings. Although we do an in-depth study on the Bible and its historical context, the focus is not on information but TRANSFORMATION.
To find out more about these courses please download the brochure.
siphiwe madi
Marriage Prep Course
Preparing couples for marriage
Couples are asked to attend one of the courses offered, where you will be exploring various aspects of your relationship and the expectations that you hold. This is run by trained lay people in the congregation, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere and is designed to strengthen and affirm you in your relationship.
The course runs over 3 sessions held on a Saturday morning, or 5 sessions on a Tuesday or Thursday evening and is designed to assist in preparing couples for marriage.
The cost is R750.00 per couple which includes registration, course material and breakfast/light supper.
To find out more about this course please download the brochure. If you would like more information or to book your place at the next Marriage Prep Course, please contact Heidi.
Manti Seleka
Baptism Prep Course
We welcome our members' children for baptism
In the sacrament of Baptism we celebrate life in Christ. Baptism is a gift of God, a means of grace, which declares the goodness and love of God to us. God claims us as God’s own.
To find out more about this course please download the brochure. If you would like to baptise your child, please contact Lael at the Church office.
manti seleka
Manna And Mercy Course
A journey from Genesis to Revelations
Is the Bible a book of oppression or of liberation? Did God really send Jesus to die for my sins, and if he did, how does that even work? How do I reconcile the violent, tribal god depicted in parts of the Old Testament with the God of love revealed by Jesus? Does the Bible have anything to say to a world dominated by environmental crisis, growing inequality and division?
If you’ve ever asked these or other questions, and would like a safe space to explore them, then join us for a 17 week online journey through Daniel Erlander’s wonderful little book “Manna and Mercy”.
Each week, we’ll explore keys with which to unlock the message of the Bible so that our faith can be a faith of liberation, justice, peace and hope. Wherever you are in your own faith journey, we hope that you’ll join us on this one.