The Blessing in Hardship
October 4, 2020
Series:Seeking Serenity
Ian’s sermon explores how counter-intuitive it is to ‘consider trials as joy’ (James 1:2) or “hardships as the pathway to peace” (serenity Prayer). However, avoidance of hardship (through blaming, ignoring, or addiction) is the path to destruction. Peace and Joy result from courageously facing our internal brokenness, and courageously obeying Christ, even when that takes us through trials. Christ is our example in this.
All music is produced under the following CCLI licenses: West View Methodist Church, Copyright licence: 423296 size D, SongSelect Premium, Music reproduction license: 473772 size D, Church video licence: 80912 size D
Our Messages
ByRev Damian O'Grady
ByRev Siphiwe Madi
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