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A Question and A Calling

March 15, 2020

Dear West View family

Welcome to worship! We extend a special welcome to family and friends who join us today for the baptism of three children into membership of God’s Church. May we all experience God’s grace and goodness in worship.

We’re just 3 weeks away from the start of Holy Week. I invite you to capture the services of Holy Week in your calendars now, so that you don’t miss out. Palm Sunday’s Picnic and Sports Day will be a fun time together. Then each service of Holy Week will be a time to explore the Passion of Jesus, and what it means to share in that passion. I never fail to be amazed at the way that God uses Holy Week and Easter to renew and revitalise my own faith. That will be your experience too as you invest in the journey with Jesus towards Calvary, and then on to the empty tomb and beyond.

Your fellow pilgrim in the journey with Jesus,

