West View is moving online
March 20, 2020
Dear West View family
It’s all systems go for our first ever online congregational worship service this Sunday at 8h30am. There will be no worship on the church campus this Sunday. On Saturday evening, we will post the link via Facebook, Instagram, email and on our new WhatsApp platform. Please refer to my letter of 18th March for guidelines on how to engage in worship on Sunday (https://www.westview.org.za/ministers-e-letters/18-march-2020/). Communication is what will keep us connected, supported and growing in this new season, and I strongly encourage you to sign up on the West View WhatsApp platform by firstly saving the number 072 537 2384 as a contact on your phone. Then send your name and surname in a WhatsApp message to the newly saved contact. Please note the following about this number:
- Don’t phone it or send SMS’s to it. The number has been opened solely for the West View WhatsApp broadcasting platform. Use 012 660 2572 for calls to the office.
- Once you have signed up for the platform, please do not respond or post on this platform. Posts from anyone other than the administrator will not be received.
- When we post updates on the platform, please don’t forward them on to West View WhatsApp groups that you are on. It’s irritating to receive the same post on multiple groups. Rather encourage those on your Home Group or Volunteer Group to join the platform themselves. This will also enable us to monitor who we are reaching through our posts.
We’re still figuring out which communication channels will be most effective in connecting with you. We need your feedback! Please email Nicola (nicola@westview.org.za) with your feedback on suggestions for improvement in connecting with you and providing opportunities for you to worship, fellowship, learn, serve and love. We don’t wish anyone to feel left out or forgotten as we journey together.
Finally, I remind you of the power of prayer. I’ve set a repeat reminder on my phone for midday, and will be pausing each day to pray for God’s power and grace to be known as we rally together to ‘flatten the curve’ and play our part in being salt and light in God’s world. Remember that the church has not closed. The building has been closed, but the church is you, it’s not a building. May you remain open to God’s work in and through you.
Grace and Peace