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West View e-Letter

April 14, 2023

 Dear West View Family Allow us to firstly reflect on what was a very meaningful, powerful and intriguing HOLY WEEK and EASTER WEEKEND. We would like to sincerely thank every person who contributed to this very busy, and purposeful period of the church’s calendar. Without the contribution of each and every person towards Holy Week and the Easter Weekend, there’s no doubt that it’s effectiveness and energy would be hampered. A special mention must be made of those who participated in praying for, leading, organizing, setting up and orchestrating every service. Your willingness and hard work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. We hope and pray that Holy Week and Easter ushered every person into a refreshing and life-giving experience with the crucified and resurrected Christ. However, we recognize and remember that Easter is not a one–off day devoted to the event of the resurrection of Christ, but rather a season prior to Pentecost during which we explore the implications and impact that the risen Jesus has on various facets of our life and living. Therefore, the EASTER SEASON continues and challenges the areas of our lives where we desperately cling to death.

EASTER SEASON PREACHING SERIES: LIVE FOR A CHANGE This Easter Season, we would like to invite you to join us in exploring how the death–defying and death-defeating resurrection of Christ breaks the power and pull that death, fear and hopelessness too often have over our lives. The purpose of the Easter message is to invite us to break free from our own tombs and temptations, so that we can live freely, fully and fearlessly. We are called to remember and realize that Easter is not a once-off event, but rather a journey that calls and challenges us to consider the meaning and implications of Christ’s resurrection for our personal lives, homes, community and world. This sermon series commences this coming Sunday, the 16th of April 2023. So, will you be there to enjoy and encounter the ‘Live for a Change’ sermon series and Easter journey? We encourage you to invite friends, family members, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers to attend and respond to the Easter invitation that Christ extends to all of us.

NEW MEMBERS WELCOME For the past few weeks we have hosted the Foundation Course, which has enabled our ministers to meet and get to know individuals and families who have expressed a readiness to commit to West View as their new spiritual home and congregation. Part of this journey includes having conversations and presentations around the history of the Methodist movement, the development and identity of West View, stewardship and small group life, as well as the privileges and responsibilities of being wholehearted followers of Christ and members at West View. It is our responsibility as a church to receive them into the West View community; therefore we will be welcoming and presenting them to the congregation during the 10h00 service this coming Sunday (The 16th of April 2023). Please take the time to make them feel welcome by greeting and congratulating them after the service. Welcome to West View friends. We’re glad that you’re here!
If you’re interested in becoming a member at West View, please contact Nicola on or fill in the new members form HERE

RESTART OF ROOTED YOUTH & CHILDREN’S CHURCH The school holidays are now well and truly over and the 2nd school term for 2023 is underway. As a new school term begins, it means that all of our ministries aimed at youth and children also restart. Therefore, we would like to make all parents, teens and children aware that Rooted Youth and Children’s Church restart this coming Sunday, the 16th of April 2023. Children’s Church will have Godly Play during the 08h00 service, whilst normal Children’s Church will take place during the 10h00 service. Rooted Youth will also resume during the 10h00 service.

CHURCH EXPRESS FOR APRIL : MENTAL HEALTH Building on the busyness of this period and season in the life of West View, we would like to remind everyone that our Church Express worship service will also be taking place this Sunday, the 16th of April 2023, at 18h00. Church Express is an interactive service wherein you can expect to worship God through lively and youthful music, receive Holy Communion and participate by listening and contributing to a Q&A session devoted to a pressing and controversial topic. Our topic for this Sunday is: Mental health and related issues. Even though this service is geared towards youth and young adults, it is open to all people regardless of age or maturity level. So, please do join us and invite a friend as we unpack the importance of mental well-being and break the stigma surrounding mental illness.

CIRCUIT QUARTERLY MEETING (CQM) AT WEST VIEW We recognize that no Methodist congregation is an island, and that each Methodist church is called to contribute to fulfilling the purpose and mission of a circuit (a geographical area, such as Centurion, that is comprised of multiple Methodist churches). Therefore, we would like to remind anyone who holds a position of leadership within the West View community to please be present at the next Circuit Quarterly Meeting (CQM) which takes place at West View on Thursday, the 20th of April 2023, at 18h30. Come and engage as we shape the direction and mission of the people called Methodists in the Hennops River Circuit and the broader Centurion community. One of the issues that will be discussed at the CQM is the attached discussion document on Ukuthwasa, please note that this is a discussion document which is meant to be a conversation starter and doesn’t reflect the theological view/position/stance of the Methodist of Southern Africa. Members of the CQM are encouraged to read the cover letter and the discussion document in preparation for the CQM discussions.  

Supper will be served and a recommended donation of R50 per person is kindly requested.

YOUNG ADULTS MINISTRY & HOME GROUPS As we seek to build and rebuild our community of, and ministry to young adults, we would like to invite all young adults (aged 18 to 35) to sign up to be part of and form home groups, where authentic community is built and discipleship prioritized. Please sign up here. To further our commitment to the young adults in our community, we will be having two social events in May (on the 6th and 13th of May). Keep an eye on our social media platforms and website, as specific details will be advertised soon!

STEWARDSHIP & PLEDGE FORMS  As part of the stewardship campaign here at West View, we are all encouraged to prayerfully consider our financial support to the work of God here at West View. When we have decided on how much we are able to give we are asked to please fill in the Pledge forms available at the church entrance and the website click here .
If you have not yet done so, please take a Pledge form from the church entrance, or email for more details. Kindly update your pledge details with us, as this assists us to plan properly and budget correctly.

IMPORTANT DATES New members Welcoming at 10h00 Service 16 April

Church Express at 18h00 Service  16 April

CQM at West View at 18h30 20 April

Seedling Picnic on the lawn (Easter Egg hunt for the kids) from 10h00 to 12h00 22 April

Young adults events 6 May

Marriage Prep Course (Saturday, two sessions from 09:30 to 12:00 13 May and 20 May

Young adults event 13 May

Baptism Prep Course from 09:00 to 11:00 27 May

Your Servant for Christ’ sake


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