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West View e-Letter

June 14, 2024

Dear West View Family

Warm winter greetings to the West View family,
One thing that can be said about living in South Africa, is that there’s never a dull or boring moment. This reality was proven in our recent landmark elections, which potentially signify massive political and social changes in our beloved country. Despite the potential promise that the future has instore for us, there is undoubtedly and undeniably much uncertainty and hesitancy about the future. So, in the midst of a changing political landscape, as God’s people and as God’s Church we are called and challenged to cling to the fact that God’s Kingdom will outlast all of the political systems and structures that promise so much but deliver so little.
With this truth in mind, we would like to invite each and every member and attendee at West View to pray fervently and constantly for God’s Spirit to direct and steer the direction that South Africa takes. We call on all our brothers and sisters in Christ to pray that the servant – hearted Spirit of Christ would fill all our politicians and public servants with a humble disposition. Beyond an attitude and lifestyle of prayer, may we never shy away from speaking out against injustice, inequality and iniquity, as we proclaim the Gospel of Christ with passion and purpose. May God bless South Africa and may His Kingdom rule and reign amongst us!
Here’s a look at some important events, notices and announcements pertaining to West View.

We’re all searching. Sometimes the search is easy: Simply type a question into the Google search bar and the answer pops up. However, at other times our questions are complicated, and the answers are difficult to see and even harder to articulate. How do we discover and examine the truths that give meaning and purpose to life? Some powerful answers that we are searching for are contained in the Apostles’ Creed, an early statement of foundational Christian beliefs. In our upcoming sermon series, entitled ‘Creed’, we will consider important questions of life, reality, and truth. We explore not only what we believe as Christian, but also why we believe it and why it matters.
This exciting and engaging sermon series starts on Sunday, the 30th of June 2024, and it runs for five weeks in total. We would like to encourage everyone to bring a friend along to experience these intellectually and spiritually stimulating sermons and services at West View.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to each and every member who made either monetary or cleaning item donations towards our project to assist the Wierdabrug Police Station. As the West View staff, we went to deliver the items at the police station on Tuesday, the 28th of May 2024. We also offered prayers for all of the staff who work there, as we specifically prayed that they would be protected and empowered by God’s Spirit to be the public servants that they should always be.
All of the staff conveyed and communicated their gratitude towards West View and its members, as the cleaning items were received with joy and gladness. May we continue to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we were unable to give adequate attention to our generosity and stewardship drive for ‘May Tithe Month.’ Therefore, we have decided to postpone our giving campaign to September; wherein an entire sermon series will be dedicated to understanding the biblical perspective on our relationship to money, stewardship, and tithing. We would like to thank each and every contributing member and attendee at West View for their sacrificial giving and generosity. May God continue to bless you!

Please take note of the latest financial update for West View for the months of April and May 2024: The total giving for April was R389 924.44, which was R50 075.56 BELOW budget for the month. The total giving for May was R390 987.95, which was R49 012.05  BELOW budget for the month.
This is where our overall finances currently stand at the end of May 2024: So far, we have received a total of R1 991 661.48 in pledges, offerings and tithes. This leaves us with a total shortfall of R208 338.52 by the end of May 2024. We would like to thank everyone for their immense generosity and sacrificial giving, Your financial contribution makes God’s work at West View possible!

Baptism marks an important moment of receiving God’s grace and of being claimed as God’s own. We also remember that baptism is a communal moment, when the church promises to care for and be present to those who are being received into God’s family. At West View, we believe that baptism is a sacred moment that symbolizes and communicates God’s ability to save, sanctify and sustain us in our ongoing journey with Christ.
We baptize both infants and adults, so should you like to be baptized or have your child baptized, we would like to invite you to our next Baptism Class. The purpose of the class is to educate and inform those going through the process of baptism about its meaning and significance.  The class will take place on Saturday, the 20th of July 2024, at 09h00 in the Infant Chapel. Should you wish to sign – up for baptism or obtain more information, please contact Manti via email on

Our partners and friends from Kansas, United States, have arrived on South African soil! We trust and pray that their stay with and amongst us will be fruitful and joyful, as they continue to expand and extend God’s work as far as possible. For those of us who may not know, The Church of the Resurrection have had a longstanding relationship with West View, with a particular emphasis on funding and assisting Ditshego (One of West View’s missions) to flourish and grow.
We spent a wonderful evening on Tuesday (The 11th of June 2024) meeting and greeting our American friends at our ‘Soup and Social’ evening. If you see them at church and on the West View campus, please make them feel welcome before they return home.

We have Winter Holiday Club coming up at West View, which will run from the 24th to the 28th of June 2024. Each day throughout the week of Holiday Club will run from 07h30 until 13h00. Please note that our Winter Holiday Club is for children from Grade R through to Grade 7. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BE OFFERING THIS MINISTRY FOR FREE, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO COST INVOLVED. So, parents are encouraged to come and drop their children off at West View each day and children are challenged to invite their friends to come along. As part of the Holiday Club program, we will also be providing lunch each day to all children. Should you like to receive more information, please contact our children’s pastor (Manti Seleka) via email on
This is a ministry that allows us to reach and minister to children in the broader Centurion community. Once again, as stated, the vision is to offer it for free so that more children are encouraged to attend. We have currently raised just under 50% of our financial target.  SHOULD YOU WISH TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION, DONATIONS CAN BE PAID INTO THE WEST VIEW METHODIST CHURCH BANK ACCOUNT. It is a First National Bank (FNB) cheque account, and the account number is 620 3430 7670. Please mark the deposit with the following reference: ‘Holiday Club Donation’.
Alternatively, if you are unable to make a financial or monetary donation, we are also in need of the following items:

  • Party streamers (red, orange, yellow, blue, white)
  • A2 Cardboard papers (red, orange, yellow)
  • White banner cloth
  • Black banner cloth
  • Wax Crayons
  • Paint (red, orange, yellow, blue, white)
  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Shoe boxes
  • 500 ml plastic bottles

Should you wish to donate any of the above – mentioned items, please drop them off any time between 08h00 and 15h30 from Monday to Friday at the church.
Thank you so much for your generosity and contribution to God’s work at West View.

This coming Youth Day (Sunday, the 16th of June 2024), we will be hosting a Family Fun Day. We would like to invite everyone to bring their family along to come and connect with all of the West View community members and friends in Christ. All of the activities and events will take place directly after the 10h00 service. Join us for our 7 – a – side Netball tournament whereby you can enter and register your team for R70, or come and set up your picnic area on the West View lawn where food, drinks and snacks will be on sale. We will also have fun activities and games available for our little ones. All of the profits and proceeds from the fundraiser will go towards our Winter Holiday Club.

Our Children’s Church has closed for the school holidays, and will re – open on Sunday, the 14th of July 2024. For Rooted Youth, which is for all teenagers who are in high school, the last gathering before school holidays will take place this coming Sunday, the 16th of June 2024. Rooted Youth will then re – open on Sunday, the 7th of July 2024.

West View will be hosting the Limpopo District Young Women’s Manyano convention from the 20th to the 23rd of June 2024. The Young Women’s Manyano is one of the uniformed organizations within The Methodist Church of Southern Africa. The aim and purpose of the convention is to discuss and deliberate God’s work and mission within the broader Limpopo District, especially as it pertains to the needs of young women today. Your prayers for God’s guidance, leading, wisdom and discernment for their convention would be much appreciated. May God bless their time together!

Our aim here at West View is to make our worship services as inclusive and as accessible as possible to everyone. One community that often gets neglected and overlooked in the majority of all church services and events, are those who are either completely deaf or hearing impaired. We have therefore recently been exploring the possibility of providing sign language during our 10h00 services, with one of our members at West View being willing to offer this service to us.
We would love to hear from you, as members of West View: Do you have deaf family members and friends who would attend West View if we offered sign language? Do you feel that there’s a need for this ministry at West View? Would you be able to assist us in inviting the deaf and hearing – impaired community to feel at home and welcome at West View?
Please do share your input and feedback with Rev. O’Grady via email on

Start of new ‘Creed’ sermon series: Sunday, the 30th of June 2024
Family Fun Day Fundraiser: Sunday, the 16th of June 2024
Young Women’s Manyano Convention: From the 20th to the 23rd of June 2024
Winter Holiday Club: From the 24th to the 28th of June 2024
Re – opening of Rooted Youth: Sunday, the 7th of July 2024
Re – opening of Children’s Church: Sunday, the 14th of July 2024
Baptism Class: Saturday, the 20th of July 2024, at 09h00
‘Tithe and Stewardship Month’: Postponed to September month
Your Servant for Christ’ sake,


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June 14, 2024
April 26, 2024
April 8, 2024

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