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West View e-Letter

April 8, 2024

Dear West View Family

Greetings West View family,
From all of us here at the West View staff, we hope that you and your loved ones had a wonderful Holy Week and Easter Weekend. It was truly encouraging and exciting to see so many people attend and participate in the numerous services and activities that were on offer at West View throughout Holy Week. We pray that each service and sermon challenged but also comforted you in your walk with Christ. For those of you who were away and took a much-needed break over the long Easter Weekend; we trust that your mini–breakaway was refreshing and that you travelled safely.
We also had the privilege and opportunity to welcome a new group of members to the West View family on Easter Sunday. Our prayer is that each new member finds their unique and God–given place within this community. As you have the opportunity, take the time to meet them and make them feel welcome here with us. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone who calls West View their spiritual home, to please partner with us in prayer as we continue to trust God for spiritual, numerical, relational and financial growth so that our work continues to have a wider and more meaningful impact on people’s lives. As we enter into a season within the life of the Church whereby we are called to carry the reality of Christ’s resurrection into the world, here are the many ways on offer at West View to fulfil and carry out that assignment and mission:

In our upcoming sermon series at West View, called ‘Signs and Wonders’, we will be exploring selected miracles of Jesus in their historical and theological context. For each miracle, we will discuss not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how we can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions today.
From giving sight to the blind to enabling a paralyzed man to walk; from raising a dead girl back to life to walking on water and stilling the storm; from the feeding of the multitudes to resurrecting Lazarus – Come join us at West View from Sunday, the 7th of April, to Sunday, the 12th of May, in order to hear what God might be saying to you through these miraculous acts of Christ. Invite a friend or family member, and we hope to see you there!  

Please take note of the latest financial update for West View for the months of January and February 2024: The total giving for January was R369 889.22, which was R70 110.78 BELOW budget for the month. The total giving for February was R398 000.63, which was R41 999.37 BELOW budget for the month.
This is where our overall finances currently stand at the end of February 2024: So far, we have received a total of R767 889.85 in pledges, offerings and tithes. This leaves us with a total shortfall of R112 110.15 by the end of February 2024. We would like to thank everyone for their immense generosity and sacrificial giving. Your financial contribution makes God’s work at West View possible!

Do you have a head for numbers? Is finance you forte? Are you looking for a way to serve the Lord here at West View? If so, we could have just the avenue of service for you!
The finance team are looking for a few new volunteers to assist with money (cash) counting. Your time commitment would be for a few hours once or twice a month and you will be given any training necessary. If this is something you would like to get involved in, or for more information, please contact Avril by email on

With the school holidays having finished and with everyone being back at school; we would like to remind all parents, teenagers and children that our youth and children – focused ministries will be resuming and restarting Sunday, the 7th of April 2024.
Children’s Church will be offering Godly Play during the 08h00 service, and a full Children’s Church program during the 10h00 service for toddlers all the way up to grade 7. If you are a parent of a child, please feel free to drop and collect your son or daughter at the Children’s Church. Children are encouraged to invite their friends to join them!
Rooted Youth will also be offering a full program during the 10h00 service for all teenagers in high school (13 and above). The first series of the new term is called ‘Never Too Far’ which will run for 2 weeks and explore the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Teenagers are also encouraged to invite their friends to come and experience what Rooted Youth is all about!

On Sunday, the 14th of April, we would like to invite everyone to join us for first Community Worship Service of 2024. The service will take place at 10h00 and it offers a wonderful opportunity for the entire West View family to come together in worship, fellowship and unity. Bring the kids, family and friends for a meaningful time in God’s presence together. Tea and coffee will be served after the service so that you can make some new connections and friendships within the West View community. Save the date!

The Men @ Work will be hosting a men’s fellowship and morning coffee at the church on Saturday, 13th April 2024, from 07h00 until 09h00. There is no cost involved. So, if you are a man who might be interested in attending, feel free to join for a cup of tea or coffee and some rusks.
Time will be spent in worship as well as creating opportunities to connect and fellowship, where everyone will also get to know each other better. Please RSVP to Adrian Gant via email at or via his cell phone number on 082 902 9376. We hope to see you there!

Our second ‘Serve Saturday’ for the year will take place on Saturday, the 13th of March 2024, as we commit ourselves to feeding and caring for the poor in the immediate vicinity surrounding West View Methodist Church. We would like to invite the entire West View community to come and be a part of making a visible difference within our community. Our first Soup Kitchen Outreach for 2024 was well attended; however, we plan on providing more than one feeding station so that more volunteers can be involved in providing, dishing and serving the food to those in need.
Should you be interested in attending the outreach or providing soup for the day; please RSVP to our youth pastor (Elvis Mliswa) via email at
Here are the instructions and ingredients for the soup:
Please note that there should be no beef or pork in the soup that is prepared, however, you are more than welcome to add chicken into your soup. We also request that the soups’ quantity be in the form of a 2 litre ice – cream container. Here is an idea of the ingredients to be included in the soup: 30 ml of oil, 1 onion (Chopped), 2 garlic cloves (Crushed), 2 stalk celeries (Chopped), 2 carrots (Cubed), 250 ml butternut (1 cm cubes), 1 large potato (Peeled and cut into 1 cm cubes), 1.25 litres of chicken stock or vegetable stock, 160 ml chopped peeled tomatoes, 60 ml of fresh mixed herbs such as flat leaf parsley, basil and thyme (Chopped), salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, 250 ml broccoli florets and 250 ml of green beans (Sliced).
Heat the oil and fry the onion until it is soft and transparent. Add the garlic, celery, carrots, butternut and potatoes. Fry for slightly more than 2 minutes. Add the stock and tomatoes and let it simmer over low heat for 30 minutes or until the potatoes are soft. Add the broccoli florets and green beans, and cook it for 5 minutes. Add the mixed herbs and seasoning to taste.

We are running a Blanket Drive to provide new blankets to 120 Ditshego Preschool and Open School children. You are welcome to drop the blankets off at reception with Lesley or to donate R60.00 via EFT into the West View bank account, using ‘Blanket Drive’ as a reference. All donations should be made by Thursday, the 25th of April 2024.
The West View banking details are as follows:
First National Bank (FNB) Savings Account
Account Number: 620 343 07670

Our pre–marital and marriage preparation course will take place on Tuesdays, from the 16th of April to the 21st of May 2024. The Infant Chapel will be used as the venue to host the sessions; with the course taking place from 19h00 until 21h00. Please keep in mind that on the 23rd of April there will be no marriage preparation. Should you like more information with regards to the cost involved, please contact our children’s pastor (Manti Seleka) via email at

The Evening Women’s Auxiliary (EWA) will be facilitating a Fill – A – Jar project which aims to feed the needy within the Centurion community. Should you wish to donate and be a part of this project, please provide and donate the following items: A packet of rice, packets of soup powder / mix, stock cubes and packets of lentils. These donations are required by Sunday, 7th of April 2024.
The Evening Women’s Auxiliary (EWA) will be packing these ingredients into jars next week Wednesday, the 10th of April 2024. All ladies who are interested are invited to help the EWA with the packing and filling of jars on Wednesday, next week, at 18h30 in the Luke hall.

The Upper Room devotional material is now available in digital format and can be received to be enjoyed on your devices, not only in paper booklet form. As from the next edition which will become available, all you need to do is to send an e-mail to requesting a copy and you will be added to the list. However, should you still require the booklet, they will be available to pre-order from . Kindly note that the booklets have increased in price and are now priced at R40 each.

Start of new sermon series – ‘Signs and Wonders’: Sunday, the 7th of April.
Restart of Children’s Church and Rooted Youth: Sunday, the 7th of April.
EWA Fill – A – Jar Evening: Wednesday, the 10th of April, at 18h30 (Luke Hall).
Men @ Work Gathering: Saturday, the 13th of April, at 07h00 (West View).
Serve Saturdays (Soup Kitchen Outreach): Saturday, the 13th of April.
Community Worship Service: Sunday, the 14th of April, at 10h00.
Starting date for marriage preparation course: Tuesday, the 16th of April, at 19h00 (Infant Chapel).
Closing date for Ditshego Blanket Drive: Thursday, the 25th of April.
West View Executive Meeting: Wednesday, the 24th of April.
Circuit Quarterly Meeting: Thursday, the 25th of April, at 18h30 (Lyttelton Methodist Church).

Your Servant for Christ’ sake,


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