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West View e-Letter

November 30, 2023

Warm greetings to the West View community,

With the end of the year fast approaching and Christmas right around the corner, we have no doubt that this past year has been filled with many challenges, opportunities, unmet expectations and hopes. Therefore, in order to remind ourselves to be centred in the saving and supreme grace of God despite what has or hasn’t happened in 2023, West View has many avenues and opportunities for you and your family to be ministered to, but also to be involved in one or another of our ministries. As you and your loved ones look ahead to celebrating the reality of Christ’s coming into this broken and bruised world this Christmas, we pray that Christ would continue to arrive and intervene in your lives in new, fresh and challenging ways. We pray God’s richest blessings, protection and guidance over all that you commit yourself to during this upcoming Festive Season. Here’s what’s newsworthy and noteworthy for the month ahead at West View:


Join us at West View this Christmas and Festive season for our new Advent sermon series. Advent simply means “arrival” and signifies the start of an event. In Christian communities around the world, Advent refers to a four-week season of remembering and celebrating the arrival of Jesus on Earth. It’s a time to reflect on the unexpected nature of Jesus’ humble birth and join in the anticipation of when he will come again to reunite Heaven and Earth, once and for all.

We are all the product of our origins. Our ancestors, families, cultures, and historical backgrounds all influence who we are, how we see the world, what we do with our lives, and how we relate to the people around us. Our upcoming sermon series entitled ‘The Making of a Messiah’ combines the stories of six ‘hidden’ women in Jesus’ genealogy and ministry who must have impacted Jesus’ sense of identity and purpose. Together, these six women lead us on a journey to encounter Jesus in a new way in understanding both who he was and what his life means for us today. Therefore, bring your family members and friends from Sunday, the 3rd of December 2023 until Sunday, the 31st of December 2023 to discover the making and the mission of the Messiah.


Our annual Christmas Carols service will be taking place this Sunday, the 3rd of December 2023. The afternoon will start with a picnic at 17h00, and families are encouraged to bring their blankets and baskets to make the event as enjoyable and relaxing as possible. Fun activities will be on offer for people of all ages before the service starts. The service will then start at 18h00, with boerewors rolls and snacks on sale. Card facilities will be available, should you wish to purchase something. So, invite your family members and friends as we get into the Christmas spirit and season. We hope to see you there!


The Men @ Work will be hosting their annual end of year braai on Thursday, the 7th of December 2023, at the Springvale Scout Hall. The braai and fires will start by 18h00, and there will be boerewors rolls and cooldrinks on sale as well. However, you are more than welcome to bring your own drinks, should you wish to do so. Feel free to bring along your son or a friend, if they are 16 years of age or older. So, come join us for an evening of fellowship and a time of relaxation around the fires. For more information, or to RSVP, you are welcome to contact Adrian Gant at or on 082 902 9376.


Please take note of the latest financial update for West View: The total giving for October was R439 040.33, which is R40 959.67 BELOW budget for the month. This is where our overall finances currently stand: To date, we have received R4 176 334.43 in pledges, offerings and tithes. This leaves us with a current total shortfall of R623 665.57 for the year 2023 to date.

As 2023 has progressed, we have seen a definite and gradual improvement in the level of giving at West View. Despite 2023 having been a difficult year for West View financially; the recent upward trend in tithes and offerings has given us reason to hope and trust that the giving and financial health of our church will reflect a growing and expanding West View congregation. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to each and every person who has contributed financially to West View throughout this year; your sacrificial giving during these difficult times does not go unnoticed.


As we know, 2024 is fast approaching, which means that West View needs to get its budget in order and in place for the new year. By giving an indication as to what your financial contribution towards the work of God will be at West View, you will be assisting us to set up a budget that is as realistic and calculated as possible. If you would like to update your monthly financial contribution to West View for 2024, please take a pledge form from the foyer area in the church entrance and give it to the steward on duty once you’ve completed it, or email with your expected monthly offering and tithe.

Please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and guidance to be given to the church leadership as they seek creative and effective ways of stewarding West View’s finances to the glory of God and for the building up of His Church. We would also like to continue to make the call to each person who is not tithing on a monthly basis, to please prayerfully consider doing so for 2024. And then for those who do tithe regularly, to prayerfully consider giving more generously in the new year.


We will be hosting a movie evening for people of all ages on Thursday, the 14th of December 2023, at 18h30 at West View. ‘Jesus Revolution’ is the story of one young hippie’s quest in the 1970s for belonging and liberation that leads not only to peace, love, and rock and roll, but that sets into motion a new counterculture crusade – a Jesus Movement – which changes the course of history. Feel free to watch the trailer here: Invite your friends, family members, and colleagues to come and enjoy this movie with us and to start the long weekend on a relaxing note. This is an outdoor event, so bring your blanket and picnic basket along. Cooldrinks and snacks will be on sale, with card facilities available, should you wish to purchase something.


Do you have a passion and desire to assist bereaved people through catering and logistics? West View is currently looking for a dedicated and compassionate volunteer to lead the funeral tea ministry, which provides refreshments and eats after a funeral service for all those who were in attendance. There is a committed team of ladies who will be assisting the leader of this ministry. Should you be interested in using your gifts and time to serve the community in this way, please contact Lael at 082 560 5203 or via email:


We would like to remind parents and teenagers about the ministries that we offer for our children and teenagers. Both Rooted and Children’s Church start at 10h00 every Sunday, and we also offer Godly Play during the 08h00 service for children. We would like to encourage all our teenagers and children to invite their friends to come join them at Rooted and at Children’s Church. Should you wish to know more about Children’s Church, please contact Manti (076 659 0394 or, and for more information about Rooted Youth please contact Elvis (061 953 3212 or


Children’s Church will close and conclude for this year on Sunday, the 10th of December 2023. This means that there will be an end – of – party for our little ones. Popcorn, cupcakes and something to drink will be made available for all of the children. However, parents are welcome to send through some snacks for the kids to share. Children who belong to the Children’s Church are welcome to invite a friend along for this fun Sunday!


Our vision to make Holiday Club free of charge for all of our children is coming to fruition, thanks to all of you. We’ve now raised close to 70% of what we need, which is phenomenal and extremely encouraging. Thank you to those who have already donated either a meal or funds towards Holiday Club. We currently have all five meals provided for due to your generosity. Donations are still welcome and we are still in need of stationery items such as craft glue, coloured cardboard paper, wax crayons and glitter.

Monetary donations are also welcome and these can be made via EFT to the West View bank account (FNB and the account number is 620 3430 7670), and please use ‘Holiday Club Donation’ as a reference should you choose to make an EFT. We simply request that you please send proof of payment to Manti, whose details appear below. If you feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to get involved in order to make this vision of an all–inclusive Holiday Club a reality, please contact Manti by the 8th of December 2023 on 076 659 0394 or via email:    


As you all know, when COVID took hold of our world and we were all forced to shelter in place for all those months, West View began sharing our worship services online. And as we were finally able to return to in – person worship services, we realised that rather than discontinue our online ministry, we needed to expand it. Through 2023, we have been in a process of prayer and conversation as we have sought to discern what the future of West View’s online work should look like. And now we are so excited to tell you that in January of 2024, we are launching our own online church community—West View Online.

But, before we get there, we wanted to give our existing West View community the chance to experience West View Online before it goes public. We are also asking that you help us to get it going before we open it up to the rest of the world.We will be posting our Sunday worship videos in the community and, over time, will also add small groups, teaching courses, and other online events. But for now we would love it if those of you who enjoy connecting with others online would join our community and start commenting on our videos, posting your own comments, questions, and thoughts, and start engaging with one another. As we join together in learning what this new kind of community can be for us, we would be very grateful if you will give us your ideas and feedback so that when we launch officially in January, West View Online is already a vibrant community. To find out more or to sign up to join West View Online, click go to


As we seek to grow our reach and bring God’s life-changing grace and love to more people, we could really use your help. We are looking to build a group of ‘social media champions’ for West View. So, if you’re active on Facebook or Instagram, and you are able to commit to about 15 minutes a week (Or just a few minutes each day) then we would love you to consider being a social media champion for West View. All you have to do is be intentional and consistent about liking, sharing, and (if you are comfortable) commenting on West View’s posts on social media. The more you can do this, the better. And the great thing is that it works best when it’s just a normal part of your activity on social media.

The idea is to get our posts out to as many people as possible so that West View’s online presence can find others who need the kind of ministry that we offer. So, if you’re willing and able to be a West View Social Media Champion, please let Kakes know at


Our Home Groups and Bible Study Group will officially be closing for the month of December. This means that small group life for West View will restart from Monday, the 8th of January 2024. We would like to extend our gratitude to all of the home group and Bible study leaders, as well as to all of the participants for your willingness and eagerness to do life together.

Staying true to our Methodist ethos and tradition, we believe that small groups (Otherwise known as home or Bible study groups) are the perfect environment for transformation and teaching to take place. We would like to make the call to as many people as possible to get plugged into a group where you are challenged to study Scripture, pray for others and be prayed for, and exercise mutual care. Please note that West View does provide Bible study notes for leaders to use with their groups, which is in alignment with whichever sermon series is run at that point in time. Therefore, should you be interested in joining or leading a Home group or Bible study group in 2024, please contact Nicola at or Rev. Damian O’Grady at or on 064 682 1387.


Should you, or someone that you know, be interested in becoming a full member of West View Methodist Church; please take note that our Foundation Course will be starting early in 2024.The Foundation Course is 4 – week long online course that educates and informs new members of West View about our beliefs, our practices and our expectations for those who choose to call West View their spiritual home. In order to include yourself in this process and pathway for membership, please contact Lesley at and communicate your intention to attend the Foundation Course.


Start of new sermon series ‘The Making of a Messiah’: Sunday, the 3rd of December 2023

Evening Christmas Carols Service: Sunday, the 3rd of December 2023, @ 17h00

End of Year Function for Men @ Work: Thursday, the 7th of December 2023, @ 18h00

Movie Evening – ‘Jesus Revolution’: Thursday, the 14th of December 2023, @ 18h30

Summer Holiday Club: From the 18th to the 22nd of December 2023

Re-opening of Home Groups: From Monday, the 8th of January 2024 onwards

New Members Foundation Course: Early in 2024

Your Servant for Christ’ sake,



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