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West View e-Letter

September 22, 2023

Dear West View Family

Greetings and blessings.
September is generally acknowledged as children and youth month within the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. And so, in light of this, we are calling on all West View members to consistently and continually pray for the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional development, well – being and growth of the youth and children who belong to West View, the Methodist Church at large, the Church of Christ and our Centurion community. We have some exciting events and opportunities in the upcoming weeks for people of all ages to strengthen their relationship with God as well as to connect in community with those who are committed to Christ. We trust and we pray that you would continue to bring yourself, your family, friends and acquaintances to West View, whereby God’s grace, and life change can happen for anyone, at any moment. May God protect and preserve you, as well as provide all that you need during this season of your journey with Christ.


Are tragedy and suffering God’s will? Why doesn’t God do something? Why do our prayers seem to go unanswered? Why should I trust God when nothing seems to make sense? Suffering and tragedy are a regular part of life, yet they leave us with profound questions of faith. We all wrestle with these questions. At West View, we’re going to spend four weeks trying to make sense of the connection between God, suffering and hope, as we address these age-old questions. By rejecting simplistic answers and unexamined assumptions, we will lay out core ideas for comprehending God’s plan for the world. Join us for this important series of messages, entitled: ‘Why? God, Suffering and Hope.’
Therefore, join us at West View as we together seek to investigate and interrogate some of the most complex and perplexing questions. Our ‘Why?’ sermon series runs from Sunday, the 1st of October until the 22nd of October 2023. Should you have friends, family members or acquaintances who are struggling with who and where God might be in their struggles, suffering and circumstances; feel free to invite them to attend.


Please receive the latest update with regards to the finances of West View: The total giving for August was R392 112.17, which was R87 887.83 under budget for the month. This is where our overall finances currently stand: To date, we have received R3 230 430.82 in pledges, offerings and tithes. This leaves us with a current total shortfall of R609 569.18 for the year 2023.
The current financial situation of our church is definitely precarious and concerning, and we therefore make the call to everyone who calls West View their spiritual home to pray over this matter as well as for wisdom and guidance to be given to the church leadership as they seek creative and effective ways of addressing this issue. We would also like to continue to make the call to each and every person who is not tithing on a monthly basis, to please prayerfully consider doing so. And then for those who do tithe regularly, to prayerfully consider giving more generously for the rest of the year. If you would like to make a monthly financial contribution to West View, please take a pledge form from the foyer area in the church entrance, complete the pledge form on our website or email for more details. Kindly update your pledge details with us, as this assists us to plan properly and budget accordingly.


We will be hosting a movie day for parents and children to attend and enjoy together, as we seek to prioritize our ministry to and sense of community amongst families. This event will be taking place on Saturday, the 30th of September, at 11h00 at West View Methodist Church. Tickets are on sale for R70, which includes a hotdog, cooldrink and popcorn. Additional food and snacks will also be on sale should you be interested. More information will be sent via the Children’s Church WhatsApp group. However, if you are a family with young children and are not part of the group, but you would like to be added, please contact Manti at 076 659 0394 or via email on  


As we continue to celebrate West View’s 50th year of existence, we would like to invite people of all ages to join us for a Spring Picnic and Fun Day at West View. This social event will take place on Sunday, the 22nd of October 2023 after the 10h00 service. Games, music, soccer, and a jumping castle will be provided by West View so that there’s something to do for every member of the family. All that you need to do is bring your picnic basket containing your food and drinks. We hope to see the entire West View community participating in this event as we seek to connect in community with one another!


If you are a young adult or should you know of a young adult who is looking for a sense of community and connection with other young adults, we would like to extend the invitation to join us for Bible study on a weekly basis. Currently, we have two separate groups that gather on the following days and at the following times: Monday evenings at 19h00 and Tuesday evenings at 18h30. We also host social events on a monthly and regular basis. Should you be interested knowing more information and details, please contact our youth pastor Elvis at 061 953 3212 or via email:


Seeing as we are currently observing Youth Month in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, we would like to remind parents and teenagers about the ministries that we offer for our children and teenagers. Both Rooted and Children’s Church start at 10h00 every Sunday, and we also offer Godly Play during the 08h00 service for children. We would like to encourage all of our teenagers and children to invite their friends to join them at Rooted and at Children’s Church. Should you wish to know more about Children’s Church, please contact Manti (076 659 0394 or, and for more information about Rooted Youth please contact Elvis (061 953 3212 or Please note that this is the last Sunday for both Rooted Youth and Children’s Church for this term, with both ministries reopening and restarting on Sunday, the 15th of October 2023 for the new term.


As part of our strategy to reach out to children and grow our children’s ministry at West View, we host our Holiday Club for primary school children on a bi-annual basis (Once in the winter and once in the summer). Our Holiday Club ministry allows us to reach and disciple children who would otherwise never consider West View to be their spiritual home, with our next Holiday Club taking place in December of this year. Our customary and common practice has been to charge a registration fee of R50 per child per day to attend, with the proceeds being used to fund the activities and administrative costs involved in running Holiday Club. We understand that this daily registration fee could be preventing children from attending the day’s activities and from experiencing the love of God in this particular setting. Therefore, our aim and goal is to make Holiday Club COMPLETELY FREE FOR ALL CHILDREN.
In order to make this a reality, we need your assistance. Our greatest area of need at present is food. Our menu for the Holiday Club Week is as follows: Monday (Mac and cheese), Tuesday (Mince and rice), Wednesday (Sandwiches with no pork, no peanuts, and no eggs), Thursday (Spaghetti Bolognaise) and Friday (Hotdogs).
Monetary donations are also welcome and these can be made via EFT to the West View bank account, and please use ‘HC Food Donation’ as a reference should you choose to make an EFT. We simply request that you please send proof of payment to Manti, whose details appear below. The deadline for all donations is Sunday, the 15th of October 2023. If you feel the prompting and pulling of the Holy Spirit to get involved in order to make this vision of an all–inclusive Holiday Club a reality, please contact Manti on 076 659 0394 or via email:  

Most of you know that West View’s ministry doesn’t only happen when we gather in person on Sundays. And one of the ways we reach out to people who can’t get to our church physically, is through social media. West View is very active on Facebook and Instagram and this ministry is important for the people who follow us on those platforms (and if you haven’t followed or liked us yet please do!).
As we seek to grow our reach and bring God’s life-changing grace and love to more people, we could really use your help. We are looking to build a group of ‘social media champions’ for West View. So, if you’re active on Facebook or Instagram, and you are able to commit to about 15 minutes a week (or just a few minutes each day) then we would love you to consider being a social media champion for West View.  All you have to do is be intentional and consistent about liking, sharing, and (if you are comfortable) commenting on West View’s posts on social media. The more you can do this, the better. And the great thing is that it works best when it’s just a normal part of your activity on social media.

The idea is to get our posts out to as many people as possible so that West View’s ministry can find others who need the kind of ministry we offer. So, if you’re willing and able to be a West View Social Media Champion, please let Kakes know at

Our motto at West View is that this is a community and congregation ‘Where life change happens’. And yet, we know that this life change only takes place through relationships that facilitate a loving accountability, responsibility and a call to grow in ways that are both comfortable and uncomfortable. Staying true to our Methodist ethos and tradition, we believe that small groups (otherwise known as home or Bible study groups) are the perfect environment for transformation to take place. We would like to make the call to as many people as possible to get plugged into a group where you are challenged to study Scripture, pray for others and be prayed for, and exercise mutual care. Therefore, should you be interested in joining a Bible study group, please contact Nicola at

Our purpose and aim for the communications department at West View is excellence, being timely, inspiring, relevant, and being accurate, whilst also being concise yet detailed enough to supply the necessary information. We seek to create and advertise content that is visually appealing, sensitive, and in line with best practices in the digital age, in line with the vision of West View as a whole, and POPI compliant. Our platforms for adverts include the West View website, West View news, worship services, cell phone broadcast, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, the e-letter, pamphlets, posters, signage at the info desk, emails, and WhatsApp. Should you wish to advertise an event or occasion through the West View communication and marketing department, please abide by the following guidelines and supply the following details when requesting adverts to be posted:

  • Details and description of event, date and time, venue, cost, or what people need to bring, name of speaker/topic, contact person and details for RSVP, and an inspirational idea or sentence.
  • Send all details to at least two weeks before the advertising is required. The office will then draw up the artwork and liaise with you regarding amendments and approval.

If anyone notices errors or omissions on any of the platforms, email or so that we can address the problems.


Start of new sermon series (‘Why?’): Sunday, the 1st of October 2023

Confirmation Camp: From the 22nd to the 24th of September 2023

Family Movie Day at West View: Saturday, the 30th of September 2023

Spring Picnic at West View: Sunday, the 22nd of October 2023

Final Sunday for Rooted Youth and Children’s Church for Term 3: Sunday, the 24th of September 2023

Deadline for Holiday Club Donations: Sunday, the 15th of October 2023
Your Servant for Christ’ sake,


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