E-letter September 2019
September 4, 2019
Dear West View family
We still have tickets available for Friday night’s Megastars of Pop Supper Show at Rockwood Theatre. In order to maximise the funds raised for Khuluma and Children and Youth Ministry, we’re offering these tickets at a discounted price of R110 each. Please support these ministries by coming along for a fantastic evening. Contact Viv by Thursday to secure your tickets at viv@westview.org.za or +27 (0)12 660 2572.
We are busy migrating our membership database onto the MyMethodist secure online church management system. Over the next month, you will receive an email requesting you to view your membership profile and amend your details if necessary. Please can you take a minute to do so, thus ensuring that we have your and your family’s details correctly loaded onto the new system. For any queries relating to the database, contact Katlego Makeke at the church office at +27 (0)12 660 2572.
Grace and Peace
Senior Minister
Superintendent: Hennops River Circuit