e- Letter
May 25, 2022
Dear West View family:
Join us for in-person Ascension Day worship on Thursday 26 May @ 10h00 as we worship Jesus ascended and glorified.
MOVIE FUNDRAISER FOR HOLIDAY CLUB – Saturday 28 May 10h00 and 13h00
Children in primary school are invited to a Movie Fundraiser this Saturday 28 May. There will be 2 screenings, tickets are R50 and will be on sale on the day together with popcorn, snacks and drinks. Please support this fundraiser towards the July Holiday Club.
Our guest speaker on the evening is Jannie Rossouw, Professor at the Wits Business School, guest speaker on TV and Radio on economic and fiscal matters, a member of the Fiscal Cliff Research Group, speaker to Parliamentary portfolio committees and a rated National Research Foundation researcher. Prof Rossouw will talk with us about the South African economy.
All men are invited to attend the event to understand more about our economy, and how we as Christians can respond to the challenges we face.
Please invite your friends and join us on the 23 June at 19h00. Soup, rolls and coffee will be on sale from 6.15 PM. Please RSVP to Adrian Gant via email or his cell phone , or contact one of the Men@@Work Committee Members. Adrian.John.Gant@Gmail.Com 082 902 9376
We offer condolences and our love and prayers to John Kale and the family on the passing of Emily Kale, to the family of Linda Van Sittert, and to Tiaan, Courtney, Dominique, Jaryn and Kain on the passing of Zenita Botha. May God’s comfort and the sure knowledge of the resurrection to eternal life sustain you all.
May Tithe Month
As May draws to a close, we hold before you our communal challenge to tithe to God’s work at West View, if in no other month, then at least in the month of May.
What a wonderful Mother’s Day we enjoyed together! Thank you to all who contributed to this day of celebration and remembrance.
Contact Details For Duke student Allison Tuttle
Allison Tuttle can be contacted on dukestudent@westview.org.za If there are any hikers or rock climbers in the congregation, Allison would love to experience some hiking and rock climbing during her time in South Africa.
Church Express on 12 June
Join us at Church Express on 12 June as we explore the challenges surrounding suicide. If you’ve lost a loved one to suicide, if you’re supporting someone who is contemplating suicide, or if suicidal ideation is something that you’re struggling with, join us as we explore how we can find God’s love in the midst of our despair. Our guest panelists are Clinical Psychologist Naledi Mqhayi and Connexional Secretary of MCYU Ayanda Xaba. That’s 18h00 on Sunday 12 June.
Feedback From Synod
Thank you for your prayers for Synod. Siphiwe did a great job in his maiden Synod as Limpopo District Secretary. Our Bishop, Sidwell Mokgothu, was re-elected for a second five-year term, and we were challenged and inspired by our daily bible studies led by Prof. Allan Boesak.
Ascension Day 26 May 10h00
Movie Day 28 May 10h00 & 13h00
Men@work Evening 23 June 18h15 for 19:00
Grace and Peace