July 16, 2021
Dear West View family
The situation in our country changes with each hour that passes. Thankfully, it seems that the mayhem of this past week is beginning to abate and we move into a time where we seek to understand all the factors that led to what has happened, where we begin the slow process of healing and rebuilding, and where we play our part in relief efforts for those whose lives have been impacted by the violence and mayhem. To that end I offer two statements, one from our Presiding Bishop Purity Malinga, the other from the South African Council of Churches.
Through our Living HD preaching series, we have been reminded that Christ-followers are people, not just of words, but of action. We are launching a Special Relief Fund to provide assistance to those in KZN and affected areas of Gauteng who are facing what some are calling a humanitarian crisis. We are in conversation with a local church agency in the greater Durban area about partnering with them so that our assistance to KZN goes directly to those affected. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please deposit into the West View account using RELIEF FUND as a reference.
Beneficiary: MCSA West View Society
Current account: 6203 4307 670
FNB: Eldoraigne.
Branch Code: 250-655
Then, in addition to being people of reflection and action, we are also called to be people of prayer (this is a theme of James 5 that we’ll explore in coming weeks). So please continue to hold South Africa and all who live in it before God in prayer.
Grace and Peace
Ian and Siphiwe