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November 16, 2020

Dear West View Family

ADVENT 2020 : A WHOLE NEW WORLD  (29th November – 25th December)
We all know the story of Jesus’ birth. It’s a story of angels, shepherds, maji and guiding stars. But why is such a big deal made of the birth of this one child? Was Jesus born to die on the cross for my sins? Or did God have something bigger, something more cosmic, up His sleeve? Join us this Advent as we explore the Whole New World that Jesus’ birth inaugurated. We’ll explore the Motivation, the Messenger, the Message, the Moment and the Manifestation of Jesus’ birth, and discover how the adult that baby Jesus grew into is truly the hope of the world.

  1. Lighting Advent Candles at Home: Whether you’re worshipping onsite or online, we invite you to make your own Advent Wreath and then take a moment each week to light the candles for that week of Advent. For those worshipping online, that moment will be part of the worship service. For those worshipping onsite, we suggest Sunday lunchtime. You can get ideas for how to make a wreath here: Wreath Ideas. Then take a photo and share it with us on 072 537 2384
  2. Christmas Carols: Join us in the church parking area at 9h00 on Sunday 6th December for our outdoor carol service. Bring your folding chairs, umbrellas for shade, and a brunch picnic basket (food will also be on sale) and enjoy the songs of Christmas under an African sky.

Our online worship service remains the most popular, and this service is becoming a global service as people worship with us from around South Africa and the world. We will continue to offer online worship throughout 2021. All protocols ensuring safety at onsite worship are in place at both our 7h30 and 10h00 onsite services. For those wanting to dip their toe into the water of onsite worship, I recommend the 7h30 service, which has lower attendance enabling generous physical distancing.

We extend our condolences to the family on the passing of Elsa Graham. Elsa’s Memorial Service will be at West View this Thursday 19th November at 11am.

We’re thrilled to welcome Manti Seleka as our new Children and Family Life Pastor. We’ll introduce Manti to you at the Carol Service. Join me in praying for and welcoming Manti as she shares the knowledge and love of God with the children and families of our community.

Tithes and offerings in October were R33 750 (7,5%) under budget. This puts our year to date shortfall at R45 340 (1%). We continue to be grateful for your sacrificial and faithful giving to God’s work at West View.

The teams who counted the Sunday offering BC (Before Covid) consisted of retired members who are high risk for the virus. Now that we’re open for onsite worship, we need a few teams of volunteers who are available to count the offering during office hours. If you have 60 – 90 minutes available one day each week or fortnight to assist, please let me know (

The Society Stewards and staff will be meeting this Saturday morning 21st November to plan for 2021. Whilst we hope and pray for the universal availability of a COVID-19 vaccine early in 2021, we will be strategizing on the assumption that COVID-19 will be with us for the whole of 2021. This means that we must prepare to be a HYBRID Online/Onsite congregation. Every aspect of congregational life – group life, discipleship, pastoral care, children’s and youth ministry and mission and outreach will need to have an online as well as an onsite expression. There are many exciting ways in which we can grow and learn new ways of being the Body of Christ in a new world. Please can you all hold us in prayer as we listen for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and guidance.

Grace and Peace


Senior Minister


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