September 18, 2020
Dear West View family
The move to Level One lockdown next Monday is a huge achievement for us as a nation. Our commitment to wearing masks, washing our hands, and maintaining physical distancing has paid off in the declining rate of infection across the land. Even as we enter this next phase of lockdown, it is vital that we continue with these practices to guard each other’s health and avoid the feared second wave. Part of President Ramaphosa’s announcement affected the regulations regarding religious gatherings. The new legislation regarding religious gatherings will be gazetted in the next week, and once we have studied it, we will be able to plan for the future of onsite worship and gatherings accordingly. Online worship will continue after the re-opening of on-site worship. The Exec will meet during next week to consider the way forward, and I will keep you posted as soon as arrangements have been finalised.
Grace and Peace