July 6, 2020
Dear West View family
Those in the know tell us that July and August are going to be tough months for us Gautengers. Please remember that Siphiwe and I are available for pastoral counselling by telephone, video or at the church office. Whatever challenges you are facing, you don’t need to face them alone. You can book an appointment with either of us by contacting lael@westview.org.za
Tekkie Tax Day will be celebrated on Friday, 31 July 2020. You can support the wonderful work of Khuluma Family Counselling in one or more of the following ways:
- Take hands with Khuluma Family Counselling us and Make the Circle BIGGER with the new “One for All and All for One” sticker (R10)
- Choose your badge for a cause close to your heart. You can choose from Animals, Bring Hope, Children, Disability and Education (R10)
- Make your Tekkies proud and lace them up with a set of the uniquely branded Tekkie Tax shoelaces (R40, includes a sticker)
- Get your 2020 Campaign t-shirt – available in denim blue and light grey (Adults R100, Kids R80) and
Voila!! You are ready for National Tekkie Tax Day!
Even though we cannot meet after services at Church you can order the above from Khuluma Family Counselling via email (heidi@westview.org.za) or telephone (012 660 3532) OR come in on a Monday to Khuluma as we are at the office every Monday.
So … Take hands with Khuluma and Make the Circle BIGGER in 2020! Proudly wear your sticker, badge of choice and your Tekkies on Friday, 31 July 2020. This is our ONLY fundraiser this year.

We have packed over 2000 Food packs (soya, rice, soup) since lockdown began. Each pack feeds a family of 5, so that’s 10 000 meals! Thank you to all who have contributed with donations or by packing. Food packs take place every Thursday @ 9-11 am, the need is vast, and we need 6 people each week. Contact lael@westview.org.za to sign up to show God’s love in this very hands-on way.
In addition to the food we’ve packed, Ditshego’s Blue Valley Spar Food Parcel campaign has raised R67 500, enabling the purchase of 450 food parcels. This is in addition to the 500 food parcels already purchased. These parcels include mealie meal, soya and rice mix, tea, milk powder, cooking oil, bean and tinned fish. Over 150 families have benefitted from these parcels in the three months since lockdown began. We have also received and distributed donations of nappies, face masks and beanies. Thank you to all who continue to open their hearts to the needy during this pandemic. We are deeply grateful!

We join with all Methodists around Southern Africa in a 7-week campaign against Gender Based Violence. We’ll be sharing resources with you in coming days. You can read all about the campaign here:
GBV Communique to all Minister
Tithes and Offerings for June were R428 310, R21 690 short of budget. We are grateful for all who continue to give faithfully and sacrificially during these uncertain times.
Grace and Peace